Von der Leyen nimitti Allan Rosaksen EU:n eettiseen komiteaan
Jäsenemme Allan Rosas jatkaa EU:n riippumattomassa eettisessä komiteassa.
Hän on ollut komitean jäsen vuodesta 2019 alkaen.
Komitean antaa lausuntoja entisten komissaarien työtehtävien sopivuudesta ja tarvittaessa muissa kysymyksissä.
Alla on lyhennelmä komission lehdistötiedotteesta ja lisätietoja on täällä.
The Commission appoints the members of its Independent Ethical Committee
The Commission has decided today to appoint Elisabeth Morin-Chartier and Jerzy Plewa as new members of its Independent Ethical Committee and to reappoint Allan Rosas for a second term.
Elisabeth Morin-Chartier is a former Member and Quaestor of the European Parliament. Jerzy Plewa is a former Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Allan Rosas is a Former Judge at the European Court of Justice and has been serving as a Member of the Independent Ethical Committee since 2019.
The Independent Ethical Committee advises the Commission on whether the planned activities of Commissioners after leaving office are compatible with the Treaties. The President may also seek the advice of the Independent Ethical Committee on any other ethical question relating to the Code of Conduct for the Members of the European Commission.