PMO varoittaa tietojen kalastelusta puhelimitse


Commission PMO.2 Pensions tiedotti AIACE:lle seuraavaa:

Je souhaiterais vous informer que nous avons été alertés sur une nouvelle tentative de phishing.

Nous discutons des mesures à prendre en interne, mais vous souhaiterez sans doute attirer de nouveau l’attention de vos membres.

Vous trouverez plus de détails dans l’extrait ci-dessous.


Chef d'unité

PS. Jos olet Suomessa joutunut PMO/JSIS-yhteydessä tietojen kalastelun kohteeksi, kerro meille. 

The person on the phone said that she was calling from the European Commission  pension service.  She said that the European Commission wants to pay me a Covid-19 premium of 800 € because of the average pension I am getting.  

As I found this very suspicious, I asked her why the Commission did not send out an e-mail about this.  Her reply was that the pension service decided to call people.

When the woman asked me to verify my bank account details I told her that if she is really calling from the pension service of the European Commission, she should have my bank account details.  She then became rude, said that I am naive and put down the telephone.

As to me this really sounds like a scam, I prefer to inform you.